Kloud 9 Boxers
Deer Trail , Colorado
To get a fast reply during business hours please text and tell us who you are :)...
If you would like to call please leave a message if we do not answer.
I do not call back if there was not a message
Hours: Mon - Thursday
9am to 5pm
Friday - 9am to 4pm
Saturday - Closed
* If you happen to reach us after hours Monday through Thursday we will return your call / text / email the next day. If you happen to reach us after hours on Friday we will return your call / text /email on Monday.
Thank you for your interest in Kloud 9 Boxers and Pugs 🤗

You can e-mail us by filling out the form below:
We no longer allow visits prior to picking up your puppy or to view any available puppies that we may have younger than 8 weeks.
We have made this our policy for the following reasons:
We have been advised by our vet that the general public should not be allowed inside our home and that puppies should not be picked up by new owners until they are 8 weeks of age at which time they have had their first puppy vaccinations and some immunity has built up against infectious diseases and illnesses. There is a real danger that diseases can migrate into our home and puppies that are not yet vaccinated will be susceptible to these viruses and bacteria.
In the best interest of our puppies and adult Boxers, we are very careful about preventing the transmission of diseases to them. We take every precaution that we can to make sure that our puppies are not exposed to any kinds of disease that you may carry on your shoes or even on your hands. These diseases can be picked up and carried on your shoes for days, anywhere a dog has been, parks, pet stores, rest stops, parking lots, anywhere. Therefore as a precaution no one is allowed to touch or handle or visit while un-vaccinated puppies are on the premises.
Having active children and active animals makes for a very busy schedule and unfortunately that doesn't leave us enough time to accommodate all the requests to meet our adult dogs.