We at Kloud 9 Boxers love to hear happy families' stories of how well their new puppies are growing and getting used to their homes. Also, the experience you had with our training program (if you took advantage of getting your puppy/dog trained). Please feel free to email us and tell us about your puppy's homecoming and/ or training experience.
We will publish your experience on our website so you can share your experience with other families. Thank you for giving Kloud 9 Boxers the opportunity to connect you with a new furry member of your family.
If you have not yet picked a puppy to join your family, please read the testimonials below from our many happy Kloud 9 families. We are positive they will assist you in making such an important decision.
Here are Testimonies from just a few our our Kloud 9 Families !

It’s been a minute! We now live in Los Angeles. Here are
some photos of Nash for you to enjoy.
I hope the family is well! - Emilia

OH MY! I just love this pup sooo much! She has brought thousands of smiles and tons of laughter to my home. Witnessing the joy she brings to my family makes my heart explode with happiness!
Thank You Kloud 9 boxers for bringing this bundle of happiness into my life!

Thank you so much Cambrie ❤

Hi Dora,
Good Morning! It was great seeing and talking with you and Mark
yesterday. I've attached a pic of Jackson & Molly and will be sure to
send you the video we took when we got home with Jackson. They were so
excited to see each other again, kissing each other, playing, wrestling
and running around the yard. After a night of fun, they snuggled
together in their crate and fell asleep.
Thank you so much, we love them both so very much and so happy to have
them. Our little furry babies More pics to come!
Hope you have a great weekend,

Finley is learning so fast and has such a silly personality. He loves to be outside & play with our family and loves to be physically as close as possible . He's growing SO fast and is getting more cute each and every day! Here's a few of our favorite pictures.

Hi Dora and Mark,
I love this pug more then life it's self. Thank you for giving me an amazing puppy! I couldn't ask for a better pug! Him and I are playing as we speak lol....did y'all get both emails? The other one was pictures our friend took! Aren't they awesome!?

Hi! Not sure you remember us- we got Toby from you 4 years ago. He has been a delight!! Well behaved, smart and as sweet as they come! Thank you for blessing us with him!! I captured the natural heart shape on his chest and will send a photo- we think it is amazing because he has such a wonderful heart for everyone!! Cheri
Hi! I can't believe my baby is a year old now. Delilah has been such a blessing to our family! The day after we picked her up we found out we were pregnant with our first child. Delilah loves our daughter and keeps a watchful eye on her at all times. She would love if we would let her sleep under her crib. Delilah is one spoiled puppy who likes to cuddle and play. She is doing great! Thank you against for giving us such a sweet blessing.

Oscar is the most well behaved dog (puppy) I have ever owned. For any dog, especially a boxer, he is as calm as any 1 year old can be. He is great with kids; he is gentle and loves playing with them. He is very smart as well. I taught him to sit in about 20 minutes and shake in about 5 minutes. We could not be happier to have him in our family. He is also not a barker!!! The few times he has barked is when we were playing with him. He is also a good watch dog. He sleeps in our room and one night he started growling at the door, so I looked outside and someone was standing by our back fence. (They were just walking buy and stopped to let their dog pee but he didn’t know that).
Hi Dora and Mark!
Shawn says I'm obsessed with him. I say not obsessed but very much in love. My 5th boxer and by far one of my most favorites. He can sit and lay down and walks with my 3 miles every morning with no leash. He doesn't leave my side. I'm a forever fan of Kloud 9. Maybe even your number 1.
No really thank you. You can never really know how PJ has changed our lives. To some they are just dogs but PJ really is like one of my children. I tell everyone how awesome your dogs are. You can always use me as a reference if needed. God bless your beautiful family and those awesome boxers of yours :)))
Hi Dora.
I just wanted to send you a message stating that WE
ABSOLUTELY LOVE OUR BOXER Moose. He is so vocal and has a fantastic
personality. I honestly do not think I will ever get another breed. He
is so fun and he enjoys playing, running, water. He is everything I
could have ask for and more. Here is him sleeping after a long day at
doggie day care. I will have my wife send you more for I am in
Afghanistan and do not have access to many photos.
Kloud 9 boxers is an amazing place that breeds happy/healthy dogs. They do an excellent job. I personally own 2 dogs from Dora and I would strongly recommend buying from her again. My dogs are thriving here in my home, and they are very healthy, happy, loving and affectionate!!
Warm Regards,
Melanie, MS, CDPE
Working with Kloud 9 Boxers was a great experience and I now have the best puppy from them! They were very helpful and responsive—they breed healthy, happy puppies. Lola is a pure joy; she is the sweetest little girl, loves to cuddle and is very smart! I would absolutely get my next boxer from Kloud 9 Boxers and recommend to anybody who would like a boxer puppy.
Hi Dora,
Been meaning to write to you but have just been so busy and in and out of town!
Dexter is doing great! And he is getting so big! He is about 40 pounds already. Of course that is just me holding him on the scale so give or take a few pounds. I can’t tell you how many times people have said what a “good looking dog” he is.
We just got his sister 2 weeks ago (chocolate lab, Dixie) and he was a breeze compared to her, she is a little nightmare. He was sleeping outside of his “tent” after only about 3 weeks and sleeping through the whole night. And he is very smart, knows sit, shake with both hands, lie down, roll over, get on his bed, get in the truck/car, and inside the car either get in his seat (shotgun) or get in the back. At work he stays in my area even when the other dogs tease him, he knows he is not supposed to go up the stairs. And my favorite, I can point at him and pretend to shoot him and yell “BANG” and he falls over on his back. He likes to fetch inside but when we are outside he runs to get the ball and then gets easily distracted by the outdoors J He is just so much fun.
He and Dixie love each other so much, they play all the time and he has even been protective of her when another dog barked at her on a camping trip. He is protective of us too and barks at the doorbell and strange people, depending on the situation. I just wish some of his smarts and trainability would rub off on Dixie! They are complete opposites, he absolutely hates the sprinklers in the yard and will not go near them and she’ll just roll around in them. We tossed them both in the shallows of a lake and she’s like a fish, he obviously is not. It is so funny to watch him swim, so clumsy. I don’t think he really minded that much though because he let me toss him in again and again and never even tried to run away. Ahh so much more . . . we’re having a blast with the both of them, but he is my baby J (don’t tell meg I said that).
We just got our pictures taken with both of them, meg’s cousin is a photographer, I’ll have to send oyu a few when we get the disc. I attached one here of him sleeping yesterday on his back like he usually does J Well, gotta run, take care!
Poppy and I have similar feelings about the snow!!!;) If you'd like to use this one on Fb we don't mind as the kids aren't in it. She's the best dog!!!! Thank you!!!! Brigette
Hey Dora,
Hi Dora,
Hello to all at Kloud 9 Boxers,
To write a testimonial for Ansel is actually pretty easy since he's such a great dog. First off, when it comes to boxer attitude Ansel is 100% pure boxer. He's fun loving, a little goofy, and a total sweetheart, yet he has that innate Boxer ability to judge people, which also makes him a good protection dog. He loves to play with other dogs, especially in the water, but when we're alone he'll play fetch and tug with his tennis ball on a rope until he's completely worn out. Like all Boxer's he is a high energy dog, but he's well adjusted, he's not anxiety prone or nervous. This can be attributed to being raised in a home as opposed to a kennel. His exposure to other dogs as well as children and adults has made him a really well rounded dog. He's just as comfortable curled up on his bed as he his sleeping on the couch with one of us.
Physically he is also impressive, he is a strong, well proportioned dog and he certainly meets the breed standard. When people first see him they usually make a comment along the lines of "Impressive beast" or something similar because of his muscularity and physical presence. He loves to sit in the window and look out at the world and it's interesting to see people's reaction when they first see him. I don't think I have to worry about intruders.
I've had dogs for a great many years, some were great dogs and some were not so great, but there always a few stand-outs. Dogs whose attitudes and abilities make them head and shoulders above the rest. Ansel is certainly at the top of that list, he has the heart of a lion and the soul of clown all rolled into a 75 lb. Boxer body. Some things in this world were just destined to happen, and Ansel coming into my house was undoubtedly one of those events. It was synergy, the picture is now completed. He's a wonderful dog and an amazing fit in our family. I'm very lucky to have him here.
Thanks again,
Kirk Brooks
Hi Dora, Just a quick update to tell you how Henry is doing.
His check ups are all great, he's healthy and happy
and hopefully loving life as a Moser....he's a good boy!
Thanks again for everything. Here's a photo of him on
the bed.....he gets to nod off on there from time to
time....I'll also send you a video of him snoring.
It's hilarious! He snores like a chainsaw. Hope all
is well at Kloud 9. Thanks! Marc
Little did we know when we picked up Maya we would be picking up one of the best additions to our family. Maya is the world’s sweetest dog. She has so much love and joy. The best end to a long day is coming home to my dogs. Maya gets so excited that her little nub wiggles so fast it about touches her nose! She was so easy to train and she knew all the commands within minutes. However, she has a bit of a stubborn streak in her so if she doesn’t feel like doing something she just looks at me with those adorable puppy eyes and I can’t help but smile!
Her and her sister are best friends and where one is the
other is soon to follow, they don’t go anywhere or do anything without each
other. This includes getting into trouble! She is protective and an all-around excellent
dog. She is always wherever we are and
is such an integral part of our family.
She has the best personality of any boxer I’ve met and she has truly enriched our lives. I was told before we got a boxer to be aware that we were about to get a 65 pound lap dog. Boy is that true! Maya thinks she weighs about 13 pounds and wants to sit on you all day! If she needs love she will flop herself across our laps to make sure we know she is there and needs attention. If that doesn’t work then she just licks until she gets what she wants!
She is amazing and we can’t imagine life without either one of our babies.
Thanks for your note, and yes, you did answer all of our questions! Ryan and I raved all the way home about how wonderful you are, and how very special your whole family is. The puppies have had a big day being introduced to everyone here at home, and we have adored cuddling with them. I've attached a couple pics!
Tony & I cannot begin to express our appreciation for the joy and love we have because of your family's
amazing gift of perfection in Brick & Bronx. Know you have made our family complete!
Tony and Heather
Hi Dora,
We just wanted to let you know that Myles is doing great
& we love him so much!! Myles is honestly the most wonderful puppy
& we love him to bits! We are hooked on boxers & are already
talking about #2 someday soon. Hope you had a great Halloween! Love,
Kerri, Matt, Ella, Liah, Anna & Makenna
It was very nice meeting your family last week and lunar has been a complete joy :) I'm so impressed with his behavior , he pottys outside immediately and just learned to go up and down the stairs outside. The transition went well I gave him my full attention all weekend so he didn't feel lonely one bit. He sleeps in my bed all night thru right on my chest. He is such a joy in my life thank you for raising him so well. I can't wait to take him long boarding and teach him to jump through hoops once his a bit older. I will send pictures of our adventures:) thanks again. Candace
Hi Dora,
I hope all is well. I want to share a couple of pictures of Zoey. She is from Cisco and Lucy's July 1, 2012 litter. She is getting big and is a wonderful dog. Zoey has the typical Boxer energy and loves people and other dogs.
I enrolled her in an obedience class last winter and she passed her final test with a perfect score. She's so smart and probably takes after her parents. She is still working on impulse control, but is getting better.
I just wanted to let you know that she is doing well and has been a joy. Thanks you for taking care to breed great Boxers. I tried to send this through Facebook, but it failed. Feel free to share her pictures.
Take care!
Hi Dora,
Kristin L.
Hope all is well and life is good!
Muriel's 1st week home
Muriel's 1st Birthday
Rhodey's training was a great investment. Everyone can't believe how well mannered he is for how young he is. He definitely knows my voice and commands from everyone else. He is doing well. He's spending time with his friend so I hope to get new pics. My friends have told me he has my character and personality. It's awesome.
You guys take care
Hi Dora!
Hi guys, Mike and I wanted to thank you for everything you have done to make Thunder so amazing. He is incredibly smart! Wow! He's the most well-behaved puppy we've ever seen. We are having a great time with him. Training has been fun and he's doing well with us. I hope you like the pictures. We are so blessed to have him. Thank you so much! Mike and Angie

Dora and Mark,
Just wanted to touch base and let you know that Apollo is absolutely amazing! He is your prototypical boxer. He's so funny and hyper, but sweet and loving at the same time. I have attached a few pictures from our vet visit today for his shots. Thank you so much for taking gray care of him. He's way more awesome than I ever could have imagined.

It was so nice to meet you guys as well. We are "IN LOVE" with our boy! He has made himself right at home with the two dogs and cats. Our pug is even doing well with him. He ate really well this afternoon and has gone potty outside every time we take him (about every 20 min haha). He is tuckered out for sure! Thank you so much. We feel so blessed to have a kloud 9 boxer
Good morning Dora,
It was my pleasure meeting both you and Mark. I feel so fortunate to have found you and to have purchased such a wonderful puppy from you.
I have renamed him Kai :) Kai is doing wonderful. We had park/bonding time twice yesterday, and this morning. He's getting plenty of backyard time as well.
He is bringing a great deal of joy to my life, and I can only thank you for that.
I will keep you updated and post photos to the Kloud 9 Facebook account.
Thank you Dora :)
Hi Dora!!
We're doing SOOOO well and having such a fun time with Zeke!!! I was sort of afraid to reply to you, I didn't want to jinx things! He's SUCH a good puppy! We're super grateful that he's joined our family. ❤
I've attached a pic of Zeke asleep on his big boy doggy bed from this Saturday - he still likes to snuggle on his little puppy bed but he's quickly outgrowing it!! He's already gotten so big, but he's still got a ways to go before he's all grown up!
He enjoyed the holiday weekend - lots of naps and time to play with the kids. He's been missing them when they're away at school.
He's so handsome, Dora!! I can't even!! I love his little white spot on his nose and his super dark face and mostly dark body. His reddish fawn shines through whenever the suns shines directly on him. So, SOOOO handsome!!
Also, I thought you should know that your thumb made it to our family picture collage. I've attached a pic of that as well.
I'm glad you got your birthday present. The only problem with it is that the puppies' tails aren't docked. Otherwise, you could totally say they are boxers!! Maybe a couple coats of paint in the right spots could fix that though.
I still feel like a big dork that I forgot to bring it with me on our puppy pick-up day. I was so excited to pick up Zeke and make sure I brought all we needed for him that I totally left your present sitting on our breakfast bar counter.
It was also lovely to finally meet you!! I hope your family and friends made you feel super special on your birthday!! Your birthday will always be in my calendar now, and will remind me of that first day we met our boxer boy and brought him home. ❤
I promise to keep in touch!!
xo, ali
Ps... Can you see my posts on my FB page? I've got a whole album of Zeke's first day(s) with us. I don't know how to post to yours. I'll try to figure it out.
Pps... This is sooo totally too early but, when we're ready to add a girl to our family, I'd love to get a fawn pup that will look just like Zelda or Lola when she grows up. I've already named her Honey. <3 I'll let you know when we're up for our next "potato chip"! Haha!
Ali G

Hi Dora!
Ruckus has come a long way since that cold December day when we picked him up.
We wanted to send a quick update on Ruckus. He's such a great dog! He's up to about 25 lbs and growing like a weed. We've had him in puppy preschool classes at Denver Paw School and he's a very quick learner. We knew he was going to be a great dog, but he has certainly exceeded our expectations. This photo was just taken this morning. Feel free to post!
He's really a lot of fun!
Tom and Lucy
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All Rights Reserved